Anal Sac disease
The anal sacs are a pair of small glandular structures, located just within and on each side of the anus. Each sac has a small duct or tube to the outside. They produce an unpleasant smelling fluid that is normally squeezed out onto a dog or cat’s faeces every time it defecates. Anal sacs have…

Aggression towards children
Avoiding Aggression and Treating Aggression Towards Infants. To avoid aggression toward babies, the dog should be prepared for the arrival of the baby with samples of the baby’s soiled clothing to smell. The dog will then be familiar with the baby’s odour. The dog should not be present when the baby is brought into the…

Osteoarthritis is a progressive deterioration within joints (also called degenerative joint disease (DJD) in veterinary medicine). There is degeneration of the cartilage lining the ends of bones, changes of the underlying bone at joints and changes of the joint capsule that secretes the joint fluid. These changes are seen in most older patients at some…

Skin atopy
Atopy is an allergic condition in pets. It is thought to be inherited, and is usually first seen between 6 months and 4 years of age, although possible from 3 months to 7 years. Susceptible animals become allergic to pollens (grasses, trees, weeds) house dust mites, mould and fungal spores, wool, flea saliva antigens, and…

Barking Dogs
Dogs bark for may reasons. It is unlikely to be completely eliminated but they can be taught when it is appropriate to bark and for how long. It is probably impossible to stop completely. There are three main predisposing factors to a behaviour problem: Genetics Past experience and learning Present situation The genetic make up…
Recent Items
- Conjunctivitis August 10, 2019
- Kennel Cough August 10, 2019
- Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Test May 8, 2019
- Feline Fun October 10, 2015
- Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) October 10, 2015
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