

What is conjunctivitis? The conjunctiva are the thin pink membranes of the eye. They line the globe, inner eyelids and third eyelid. Conjunctivitis is simply inflammation of these membranes. Cause In dogs, most forms are allergy based or bacterial infections. In cats, viral and bacterial infections are more common. Another cause is “dry eye”, where…

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Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

Is the name given to a common condition in dogs that affects the throat, trachea (windpipe) and on rare occasions the lungs. It is most commonly characterised by a dry harsh hacking cough. Dogs will often cough so much that they will dry retch and gag, often producing white frothy saliva. Owners will often comment…

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Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Test

Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Test

The families of all pets that come in for a procedure involving an anaesthetic are offered the option of a pre-anaesthetic blood test. This is a basic profile that is run in-clinic on the day of your pet’s anaesthetic that is used to assess their liver health, kidney health, glucose levels, level of hydration and blood…

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Feline Fun

Feline Fun

Enriching your cat’s environment There are some great advantages to be gained by keeping your cat confined indoors. These include decreased risk of injury and disease and as a result a significantly longer life expectancy. There is the added benefit for wildlife and the appreciation of the non-cat lovers in the community. With a bit…

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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

Is a disease that results in inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) and/or the urethra (urethritis). The condition may result in partial or complete obstruction of the urinary tract preventing your cat  from being able to pass urine and empty their bladder. Urinary obstructions are life threatening and require immediate treatment. Without intervention bladder rupture and…

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