Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder caused by insulin deficiency. There are two types of diabetes mellitus. Type I, also called insulin dependent diabetes, is caused by very low or absent insulin secretion. These patients will die if not treated with insulin. Type II, or non insulin dependent diabetes is caused by inadequate or delayed insulin…

Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia (HD) is the malformation and subsequent degeneration of the hip joint. There is laxity (or looseness) in the hips that results in abnormal wear and tear causing degeneration and pain in the joint. Hip dysplasia can occur in any size dog, but is much more likely to cause clinical signs in large breeds,…

Canine Allergies
Just like us, dogs can suffer from allergies. While we show symptoms of sneezing, wheezing, runny nose and watery eyes when we have allergies, dog allergy symptoms are quite different. The most common sign is ITCHINESS – with persistent scratching, licking, chewing and rubbing of areas. The inflammation and trauma that results breaks the protective…

Aural Haematoma
What is it? ( aural = relating to the ear) An aural haematoma is a condition that is commonly seen in general practice. An aural haematoma is an accumulation of blood in the flap of the ear, also known as the pinna. It appears as a soft swelling on the inside surface of the pinna,…

Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies)
Infected animals develop a rash and hair loss particularly in areas such as the eyes, elbows, hocks, abdomen and ear flaps. Often yellow crusts also form on these areas of the body. A deep bacterial skin infection can develop with long term infections. Diagnosis is made by skin scrapings or response to treatment. A skin…
Recent Items
- Conjunctivitis August 10, 2019
- Kennel Cough August 10, 2019
- Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Test May 8, 2019
- Feline Fun October 10, 2015
- Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) October 10, 2015
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