Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies)
Infected animals develop a rash and hair loss particularly in areas such as the eyes, elbows, hocks, abdomen and ear flaps. Often yellow crusts also form on these areas of the body. A deep bacterial skin infection can develop with long term infections. Diagnosis is made by skin scrapings or response to treatment. A skin…

Demodectic Mange
Also called demodicosis, is caused by a microscopic mite of the Demodex genus. Three species of Demodex mites have been identified in dogs: Demodex canis, Demodex gatoi, and Demodex injai. The most common mite of demodectic mange is Demodex canis. All dogs raised normally by their mothers possess this mite as mites are transferred from mother to pup. Most dogs live in harmony…

Anal Sac disease
The anal sacs are a pair of small glandular structures, located just within and on each side of the anus. Each sac has a small duct or tube to the outside. They produce an unpleasant smelling fluid that is normally squeezed out onto a dog or cat’s faeces every time it defecates. Anal sacs have…