Just like people, dogs and cats get allergies and intolerances too. They can cause one or more of the following signs: itchiness, rashes, diarrhoea, vomiting, hair loss, red ears and reoccurring ear infections. Pets can become allergic and/or intolerant to protein in food, treats or table scraps. They can develop skin problems, such as rashes, itchiness, reddened ears and hairloss, or gastrointestinal…
Just like us, dogs can suffer from allergies. While we show symptoms of sneezing, wheezing, runny nose and watery eyes when we have allergies, dog allergy symptoms are quite different. The most common sign is ITCHINESS – with persistent scratching, licking, chewing and rubbing of areas. The inflammation and trauma that results breaks the protective…
What is it? ( aural = relating to the ear) An aural haematoma is a condition that is commonly seen in general practice. An aural haematoma is an accumulation of blood in the flap of the ear, also known as the pinna. It appears as a soft swelling on the inside surface of the pinna,…