
Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Test

The families of all pets that come in for a procedure involving an anaesthetic are offered the option of a pre-anaesthetic blood test. This is a basic profile that is run in-clinic on the day of your pet’s anaesthetic that is used to assess their liver health, kidney health, glucose levels, level of hydration and blood…



TO NEUTER OR NOT TO NEUTER – THAT IS THE QUESTION Many clients ask us whether they should desex their pets, and what the pros and cons are. Desexing and neutering are terms used for the surgical removal of reproductive organs of males and females. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF DESEXING MY PET? Speying This…


Food allergies and food intolerance

Just like people, dogs and cats get allergies and intolerances too. They can cause one or more of the following signs: itchiness, rashes, diarrhoea, vomiting, hair loss, red ears and reoccurring ear infections. Pets can become allergic and/or intolerant to protein in food, treats or table scraps. They can develop skin problems, such as rashes, itchiness, reddened ears and hairloss, or gastrointestinal…