Barking Dogs
Dogs bark for may reasons. It is unlikely to be completely eliminated but they can be taught when it is appropriate to bark and for how long. It is probably impossible to stop completely. There are three main predisposing factors to a behaviour problem: Genetics Past experience and learning Present situation The genetic make up…

Arthritis – Puppies
Lots of dogs present to us with stiffness and soreness relating to osteoarthritis (OA). OA is an under-diagnosed condition that many owners consider ‘part of getting old’. Many of us live incredibly busy lives and the early signs of OA are often missed. Many dogs (and cats too!) only come in for a vet visit…

Separation Anxiety
Before diagnosing SA, the importance of getting your dog health checked by a veterinarian must be emphasised. This is because many of the clinical signs listed above (e.g. foot chewing, inappropriate elimination) can indicate other disease processes and these must be identified and managed appropriately first. Treatments options for SA follow a three step approach:…